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Core Tasks

  • Carries out clerical tasks in stockbroking companies, banking and credit card companies.
  • Administers grants and student loans in educational institutions.
  • Performs duties as cashier in schools, local government and other public sector organisations, legal and insurance services.
  • Sells tickets in theatre and cinema box offices, sports stadiums etc..
  • Receives and pays out cash to customers in non-financial organisations such as turf accountants.

Education Requirements

Level Percentage
Level 0 3.130211%
Level 1 4.923548%
Level 2 26.496222%
Level 3 25.547226%
Level 4-5 (Higher Education) 5.478164%
Level 6 (Bachelors) 30.571882%
Level 7 (Masters or equivalent) 3.613282%
Level 8 (Doctorate) 0.239466%

Salary Levels


Potential Salary


Entry Level Salary


Average Salary


Annual Openings