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Course Overview

Successful organisations create a workplace environment where individuals can show initiative, take responsibility and feel empowered to take measured risks. Coaching is one of the most powerful and cost effective tools for developing individual and organisational performance. This Award is designed for Managers and will add to their knowledge, management skills and effectiveness.

Candidates will have studying membership of the ILM for 6 months.  Visit to find out more about the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Benefits of coaching
The difference between coaching, mentoring and instruction
How to coach different personalities
Question techniques
Active listening skills
Setting and agreeing objectives
Preparing for a coaching session
The GROW model
Assessment techniques
Giving and receiving feedback
Personal reflective practice

This programme will be delivered in 3 x 4 hour workshops that will include a coaching diary and assignment workshop.


All candidates are required to carry out 6 hours of practical coaching, which must be recorded and is part of the assessment process for the qualification. 

Candidates who successfully complete the ILM Level 3 Award in Effective Coaching may progress on to the Certificate for Professional Workplace Coaches by completing an additional unit "Undertaking an extended period of supervised coaching in the workplace".

£425.00 to include ILM registration and certification.

Awarding Body:

Curriculum Area:
Leadership and Management - Leadership and Management

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