Food & Hospitality Services Level 2
Subject Area
Hospitality and Catering
Course Overview
This course will introduce students to professional cookery, food service and customer care skills and help develop good work and organisational practices. You will work towards a combined qualification in Food Preparation, Cookery & Front of House Service Skills.
This course has been designed to teach you the fundamental culinary skills and processes. As a student with The College you will have the opportunity to gain experience cooking in well equipped kitchens and serving food in our highly acclaimed Escoffier Restaurant. You will also take the following qualifications:
- Level 2 Food Safety Certificate
- Functional Skills qualifications in English & Maths / GCSE (depending on prior attainment
- Combined L2 in Food Preparation, Cooking and Food Service
School leavers who have a desire to study this vocational-based study program.
You will need to achieve 4 GCSEs grades including English and Maths grades 9-3 (formerly A-D). Alternatively successful completion of a Level 1 qualification and have achieved in English and Maths. Each applicant will be assessed on their individual merits, and a keen interest in Hospitality & Catering is essential.
The assessment process will be in our Realistic Working Environments and in our practical kitchen & restaurant areas. There is theory classes as well to support your knowledge and understanding.
As part of this study program, each learner is expected to carry out work experience in an establishment related to this qualification.
Progressing from this course requires the successful completion of all the above qualifications and recommendation from the teaching team. You will progress to complete a L3 Advanced Diploma in Professional Cookery
Employment within the hospitality industry within a kitchen or front of house. This course can enable you to progress onto further hospitality courses here at the College.
Course materials & Uniform costs (see below)
NB - If you leave after the first four weeks, you will be liable to pay the full fees for the remainder of the academic year. You are also liable to repay any assisted funding you have recieved (This includes any uniform/travel assistance)
A uniform list can be sourced from the following links:
Uniform & Kit
For progressing students there is a Top Up list uniform list for replacement/additional items that you require
We deliver to excellent standards, ensuring a skillset required by industry today and for the future!
You will be set assignment work and time bound practical tests to achieve the qualifications, in accordance with the awarding body.
Awarding Body:
Curriculum Area:
Business, Service Industries and ESOL - Hospitality and Catering