Foundation STEPs and LEAP

Build on essential skills for living, employment and the community
Our STEPs course is aimed at students between the ages of 16-24 (with an Education, Health and Care Plan) with severe to moderate learning difficulties who want to continue to build on essential skills for living, employment and the community. Our STEPs programme is accredited and is enhanced with practical elements that aim to develop confidence and independence alongside skills for work and life. Our classes are small, with groups of up to 8 students and wrap around support is provided within the programme. Students benefit from a range of vocational sessions including art, drama, cookery, floristry, photography and gardening. Students will also have the opportunity to study English and Maths at the appropriate level for them. The overall aim of this programme is for students with a range of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to develop independence and successfully transition into adulthood.
Our LEAP courses are aimed at students between the ages of 16-24 (with an Education Health and Care Plan, in most cases) with moderate learning difficulties and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) challenges. This is a programme designed as a stepping stone to support students to progress onto further studies or prepare them for the world of work and adulthood. Students study towards an accredited programme enhanced with practical elements which aim to develop confidence, independence and employability. The groups are small, comprising between 8-15 students with regular classroom support. Students have the opportunity to engage with work placement opportunities, careers talks, enrichment activities and volunteering. Students will also have the opportunity to study English and Maths at the appropriate level for them.