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On Wednesday 26th June the Early Years and Care department at Bournemouth and Poole College held its Celebration event.  There was a chance for the students to show parents and carers some of the practical work they had done throughout the year for their courses in their teaching rooms.  It was also a chance to showcase the two simulation rooms that the students can use as part of their course; one of the rooms is set up like a Day Nursery and one like a Primary School.

As part of the event, students were awarded certificates based on the theme of the Early Years & Care 'Effective Characteristics of Learning' - these included being: 'Reflective', 'Resilient', 'Caring', being a 'Team Player', being 'Responsible and Taking Ownership' of their learning, and also having good 'Communication skills’.  These are important skills and behaviours needed for working in both Early Years and in Care.

As part of the afternoon, the competition winner for naming the two simulation rooms was announced.  The winner was Tiegan Lewis, a first-year 'T Level in Education and Early Years' student.  Her suggestions were 'Curious Adventurers' as the name for the Primary School and 'Little Explorers' as the name of the Nursery room.  These names will now take pride of place on the doors of the rooms.  Tiegan won a £40 Amazon voucher as a prize for her winning entries.

It was also an opportunity for the students to say 'thank you' to the ASAs (Academic Support Assistants) and the staff team who helped teach and support them throughout their time at college. 

The staff team wish all of the EY & Care students 'Good luck' with their journeys towards reaching their career goals and aspirations. The team feels very privileged to have been a part of their journey over the last academic year. 


Early Years and Care celebration event 01

Early Years and Care Celebration Event, June 2024.