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On Thursday 4th July we opened our doors for 2024-5, for the New Student WelcomeFest - where we were delighted to greet our new students and introduce them to our (and their) college.

The foyer and canteen were buzzing with enthusiasm as students rocked up to their dedicated areas to meet their new tutors and have a morning session with them. Students arrived in a steady stream of three cohorts from 10:00; 10:30 and 11:00 and went off to their rooms to do their initial meetings, with a view to what they will be covering in their course.

Afterwards, they were treated to a marquee of music, food and entertainment where they could ‘hook up’ with other new students, win some Bournemouth and Poole memorabilia on our spinning wheel and generally socialise. 

It was good to see some great enthusiasm from the students for their studies and the bubble wands on a windy day were an absolute winner! 

Sammy Watson, Marketing Manager said: “It was great to see our staff and new students come together in a morning of celebration for our annual New Student Welcome event. It’s fantastic to give new students the opportunity to experience their chosen curriculum area first-hand and an insight into the exciting journey they’ll be embarking on in September.”

If you’re interested in studying with us in September, there’s still time:

New Student Welcome Fest 1 - Students winning prizes at the spinny wheel