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The college held a recent Education Careers’ Leads meeting entitled: ‘Guiding Futures’ in the Jellicoe Theatre on Thursday, January 30th, between 9 am and 2 pm. 

Visitors were party to two college-based presentations – one with Vice Principal (Curriculum and Quality), Ali Leaverland, and the other with Lloyd Perry, Director of Student Inclusion and Support. 

Almost 40 Careers Leads attended and feedback was extremely positive about the college on the day. Following the presentations, Directors of Learning for four designated areas at the Poole site – Engineering, Science, Care, Health and Foundation (all one directorate), Creative and Digital Industries and Construction, Building Services and Built Environment all took turns to take guests around the site and show them the facilities. 

Ali Leaverland, Vice Principal for Bournemouth and Poole College, concentrated on its ethos, a quick precis of the recent Ofsted visit and how the college has developed a three-year plan for improving teaching, learning and assessment. She touched on how the college was considering developing different courses to meet needs and discussed key statistics at the college. She then passed on to Lloyd Perry, Director of Student Inclusion and Support, who covered the strong safeguarding and pastoral support role the college plays for its students. 

Emily Bailey, School Liaison Manager, organising the event, said: “It has been wonderful to welcome so many career professionals today from local schools and organisations and recognise the importance of these relationships. The college has so much to offer in terms of study options post GCSE- we hope that our visitors are leaving feeling inspired and excited to share this with their students.”

Careers Lead Event news
Emily Careers Lead Event news
Ali Careers Lead Event news