Ofsted Reports

The Bournemouth & Poole College is rated as:
"Good" by Ofsted, in all areas - 17 February, 2022
"Outstanding" for Residential provision, in all areas - November 2023
Some extracts from the latest Ofsted inspection reports are shown below.
Overall experiences and progress of young people: outstanding
How well young people are helped and protected: outstanding
The effectiveness of leaders and managers: outstanding
Ofsted Report, Residential provision, 2023
The college provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the college contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for young people.
Ofsted Report, Residential provision, 2023
Learners benefit from effective teaching that ensures they learn comprehensive new knowledge and skills. Learners are happy with the support that they receive from their teachers. This helps them to make good progress towards achieving their qualification and to make informed decisions regarding their future career.
Ofsted Report, 2022
Staff set high expectations for learner behaviour and attitudes, and most respond positively to the challenge. Learners settle quickly in lessons and work productively throughout. A strong ethos of mutual respect between staff and learners leads to a positive and calm atmosphere in well-structured lessons, and learners behave well around the campuses.
Ofsted Report, 2022
Apprentices have a clear understanding of their expected behaviours and know how to conduct themselves appropriately in the workplace and at college. Learners describe the college as a place of safety, which has a positive culture where they feel safe from harassment and discrimination.
Apprentices work well together, their conduct reflecting the professional and orderly behaviours expected in the workplace.
Ofsted Report, 2022