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While it’s true that the narrative for sustainability is shifting away from recycling to reducing, it is important to establish that recycling will always be more sustainable than last resort waste. Our trusted partners at 1st Waste Management are helping us achieve reductions in both our waste and recyclables, using databases as a form of guidance and to keep track of waste / recycling behaviour changes.

To ensure that nothing goes to waste that can be recycling, we’d like to inform you of what you can recycle here at Bournemouth and Poole College.

  • Empty cans
  • Paper, card and cardboard
  • Empty plastic bottles
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Empty food containers (please wash out)
  • Batteries (see below)
  • Vapes (see below)

We advise students and staff to utilise the nearby Recycling centre in Poole at 92 to 98 Nuffield Road, Poole, BH17 0RS who are open from 9am to 5pm every in April to September, and then close an hour earlier from October to March. More information can be found at: Poole Recycling Centre | BCP (

There are food waste bins for use by catering staff, as well as hospitality students and staff. The food waste is picked up by 1st Waste Management and is turned into fertiliser.

Batteries are considered hazardous waste. This is due to:

1) their corrosive materials such a sulphuric acid or potassium hydroxide

2) heavy metals such as cadmium and lead

3) Some can be explosive

4) Toxic chemicals can leach into surrounding environments such as wildlife or into human skin if not properly disposed of, causing corrosive burns

5) Leaking of such contaminants can degrade soil and water qualities, accumulating in organisms to fatal amounts.

Battery recycling can be done safely at reception desks at Bournemouth and Poole College, batteries in laptops however cannot be recycled here. For further guidance, please ask a member of the reception team.

What can you do to help?

1. If you do vape, and you are having difficulties giving it up but would like to, please contact Laura Thompson who is our fantastic Student and Therapy Practitioner on 01202 205186, or ask a member of the safeguarding team for more information.

2. We will also be providing Vape Bins at North Road Campus in Poole shortly, located at the vaping shelter there, for all single-use vapes to go into. The contents of these expired vapes will then be recycling and repurposed, relieving stress from our supply chain.

3. Alternatively, if you cannot part ways with vaping, please consider switching to a more sustainable, cost-effective rechargeable vape.

Some things to consider:

Single-use vapes pose a threat for a multitude of reasons.

1) They may set alight, causing people serious harm; either the vaper, or unsuspecting people involved in relocating wastes that may have vapes in them.

2) The vast amount of single-use vapes made accumulates to staggering amounts of mineral depletion. 138 million vapes are sold in the UK in 2023, however, only 30% are recycled correctly.

3) Such resources could be better placed towards electric vehicles, medication and many other beneficial sources.