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Freedom of Information Act

The Bournemouth & Poole College is classified as a public authority under the Freedom of Information Act and this means that you have the right to request information from us. We have adopted the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme, which is available below.

We recognise our obligation to make information readily available. However, in some circumstances, we will not be able to release information because it is personal, commercially sensitive or is covered by one of the Exemptions within the Act. If we cannot release the information that you request, we will explain our reasons to you.

Sometimes, we will make a charge for providing information to you. Information about our approach to charging is given in our FOI Charging Policy.

You can find out more about Freedom of Information from the Information Commissioner’s website:

Contact information


Letter: Chief Operating Officer, North Road, Poole, BH14 0LS

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days.